Parish Child Protection Policy:

  1. Pastoral ministry to a child/young person should only take place in a publicly accessible place (designated office or room with a clear glass window). The door should always be left open. The length and number of meetings should be limited.
  2. Clergy, Staff and Volunteer workers should never plan to be alone in a building, car or closed room with a child or young person
  3. Providing accommodation in any parochial house for minors is prohibited except in the case of family members or children/young people accompanied by parents or guardians. When the need for a visit to the home of a child/young person arises, professional boundaries must be observed.
  4. Ensure that adequate and appropriate supervision is in place before organising activities with children/young people.
  5. Written consent must be obtained from parents/guardians before organising activities for children/young people in your care and you should clearly establish whether there are any specific medical or dietary requirements.
  6. Particular care should be taken to ensure that the privacy of children/young people is respected in places such as swimming pools, showers, toilets and changing rooms.
  7. When working with children/young people care should be taken to avoid becoming a “parental figure” or over involved with one particular child or young person.
  8. All trips organised by groups require careful advanced planning and a proportionate number of suitable volunteers to provide adequate supervision. Keep gender balance in mind.
  9. Photographing of children/young people while they are in changing areas (locker rooms or bathing facilities) is prohibited
  10. Only age appropriate language, media products and activities should be used when working with children/young people. Sexually explicit materials or language are never appropriate.
  11. Under no circumstances should alcohol, tobacco or drugs be given to children/young people.
  12. Physical punishment, emotional or verbal abuses are not permitted under any circumstances.
  13. All reasonable efforts should be made to ensure that buildings and/or facilities used for activities with children/young people are suitable, safe and secure.


Name: Anne O’Driscoll

Mobile: 087-7690600

Diocesan Child Protection Service

Director: Dr. Andrew Fagan

Ph: 01-8360314


The Duty Social Worker of the Child and Family Agency – Tusla – Dublin North City           (01) 8566856 

Out of Hours Contact the Gardai

Bridewell Garda Station: 01- 6668200