On the 18th of January a new Parish Youth Group started a journey of faith in Holy Family Aughrim Street Parish. Young people of different nationalities that come to Mass in our Church met at 7.15 pm in Saint Joseph’s Hall with Fr. Cory Muresan, Parish Administrator, with Therese Carolan, Monica Lyons and Jean Avery from the Parish Pastiral Council and with Tereza Memendez, Diocesan Youth Ministry Representative fir the northern part of the Diocese.
After the initial prayer and the greeting of Fr. Cory, Tereza Menendez and Therese Carolan facilitated the meeting. The young people had the opportunity to know each other, to speak about their ideas to be more involved in the Parish and about their own expectations from the Parish.
There was a very joyful meeting with many ideas proposed by the young adults present: need for more moments of prayer and biblical Meditation animated by Youth, Pilgrimages and walks, forms of volunteering, sharing beautiful religious songs, social gatherings with religious themes, a bigger opportunity to be involved in many ways in the life of the Community.
Moments of silence and meditation were very helpful to reflect on the different ideas brought up by the youth.
After a final prayer, wonderful pizza and Panetone were certainly very appreciated.
The Parish Youth Group will be able to meet every month with the support of the Parish Pastoral Council.
It’s a new beginning and we have to pray that this initiative vrowns and bring more young people.